Good Oral Hygiene is not limited to your teeth only. It includes the whole mouth, the gums and supporting tissues, and the tongue.
Gum disease is the biggest cause of tooth loss in adults today. There are various stages of gum disease with the two most common forms being gingivitis and adult periodontitis. It's estimated that 1 in 4 people are affected by advanced gum disease, with about 75 percent of adults experiencing some type of gum problem.
A combination of bacteria and acids in the mouth form a sticky deposit called dental plaque that clings to the teeth. Plaque that is not removed from the teeth hardens into calculus and tartar, which aggravates the gums. Pockets (filled with plaque) form between the teeth and gums - causing the irritated gums to detach or pull away from the teeth. At this point, the infection has advanced below the gum line and it can destroy the soft tissue, bone and ligaments that support the teeth. The teeth may become abscessed and loose, and even fall out.
Usually Periodontal Infection is painless until it reaches more advanced stages. However there are some symptoms which can indicate the presence of Periodontal Infection.
These include: